​Shawn Mott, Master Horseman and CEO
Shawn trained his first mustang when he was ten years old. Since then, he has truly lived the life of a cowboy. As an eagle scout, he was mentored by a 70-year-old half-Cherokee horseman, who shared his secrets in the ways of the horse. Together, they taught groups of boy scouts trail riding, rodeo and other horsemanship disciplines. As a young man, Shawn raised and raced his own horses. He then built Hillcrest Ranch in Sunol, started the Sunol park pack station, founded Sunset Riding Academy in Sunol and ran the Head to Tail feed store. Shawn has also contracted with Wente Winery, was one of the mounted police for Shoreline amphitheater, and worked with the Fame charter schools. Shawn continues to teach all levels of western riding at Chaparral Ranch in Woodside and Milpitas. He is a Touched by a Horse certified instructor. His expert horsemanship has been showcased on Bay Area Backroads and is still showing as a favorite. He has been featured on Evening Magazine as well as in several local newspapers
Susan Pennell, Secretary/Treasurer and Operations
Susan is involved in all aspects of Chaparral Corporation. She works with the ranch and its horses on a daily basis - training, teaching lessons and assisting with guided trail rides. In addition, Susan brings an extensive entrepreneurial business and marketing background to the venture. She has owned several of her own businesses. After setting aside her passion for horses in her early 20’s to launch a career and raise children, Sue happily returned to riding, owning and training her own horses ten years ago and never looked back. The daughter of a Sioux horseman, Susan honors the way of the horse.